No pics this post, sorry. I keep forgetting to take the camera outside with me. No preaching, either - my husband said I was getting too soap-boxy in my posts, so I'll try to tone it down a bit. I won't promise anything, though... So here's an update on things going on around the homestead.
Hubby tilled part of the garden and I managed to finally get my garlic planted. Got about a hundred cloves in the ground covered with straw. Garlic is really easy to grow and hubby suggested we plant the whole garden to garlic and try to sell it locally. It's a thought I've had before, but I like my garden diversity. Maybe someday.
Dawn and Eve are doing well, getting a little fat actually. After a bout with worms in August, Dawn had become quite skinny. She's made up for it since, however. Their pasture is filled with many different kinds of weeds, so they are getting a rich diet. Goats really do eat anything. I've noticed that they are shying away from my old asparagus plants and don't seem to like the morning glories, though. Interesting. Next week Dawn goes to the breeder. Which means that if Mr. Buck does his job right, next April we will have one or two little kids (the goat kind) jumping around the place. That will be fun.
Hubby and Pa-in-Law worked on the barn on Saturday, got more of the steel edging up plus added an interior door. I anticipate two more work days and the barn will be mostly done. The electrician hasn't returned a quote on the trenching line yet, so maybe we'll have to wait til spring for electricity. The windows add a lot of natural light, so I think we'll be fine. I'll arrange to do all the chores during the daylight hours.
The hens are still in moult, have been for about a month-and-a-half since the last dog attack. Did I tell you the county attorney issued the dog's owner a misdemeanor? Well, he did, for animal owner liability. The dog's owner then stopped by the house and apologized for our lost chickens, offering to buy us a few next spring. Well, you can't buy adult chickens, and since chicks only cost about $2 each, I'll probably not bother asking him for the money.
He explained that he uses the dogs to guard his sheep, which are on a farm not near his house. If he skips a few days going out to feed the dogs, then they roam. He told me that if we see them around again, feel free to shoot the dogs. (!!) He said someone else has already shot one of them, breaking its leg. "Guess that one won't be leaving home anymore," he said casually. Amazing. Since then I've seen one of the dogs a few miles from my house, running around in the tall grass, covered with mud and matted hair. Maybe when the snow comes they'll stay closer to their home. I hope they get fed.
We got our ex-hog last Thursday, lots and lots of stuff to pack into the freezer. I rendered half of the lard yesterday and had pork chops for dinner. Yum. (The pork chops, not the lard.)
So, the only fall chores left on our list are cleaning the chicken coop, putting the snow-blower on the lawn tractor, putting plastic on the porch windows, putting a steel roof on our bus stop shelter, cleaning up the yard and coiling hoses, plus several things I can't even think of right now. These past few months have gone by way too fast.
But everyone in our house is healthy and doing well. Owen is happy and doing well in school. Graham is happy and being a big stinker in school. Benjamin enjoys the alone-time at home when both his older brothers are at school. (So do Mom and Dad.) Time to get out the wool socks, winter coats and snow boots. Jack Frost is on his way.