At the risk of appearing insane, I am going to record here all of the foods that I have preserved so far this year. Some of you will look at this and think, 'this woman is a loony.' While others will look and think, 'this woman has made a good start, but still has a long ways to go.'
I'm a worrier by nature. I am always looking ahead to all of the things that need to be done, feeling stress and frustration and oftentimes disappointment when I can't get it all finished. So, I thought I would step back and take stock of everything that I have done this year, and celebrate my success.
Okay, here goes.
Canned: Fruit
6 quarts boxelder syrup
16 pints strawberry syrup
15 half-pints strawberry jam
10 half-pints strawberry currant jam
8 half-pints gooseberry jam
10 half-pints mulberry jam
5 half-pints black raspberry jam
6 half-pints blueberry jelly
7 half-pints chokecherry jelly
11 half-pints apricot jam
9 half-pints plum jelly
Canned: Vegetables
5 pints dilled green beans
24 quarts green beans
3 quarts, 7 pints pickled beets
11 pints dill cucumber relish
10 pints dill cucumber slices
6 pints dill cucumber wedges
2 pints tomatillo salsa
10 quarts, 25 pints tomatoes
14 pints mild regular salsa
14 quarts black bean/corn salsa
16 pints tomato sauce
4 quarts spaghetti sauce
1 gallon snap peas
1 gallon rhubarb
3 gallons strawberries
3 gallons wild plums
1 gallon onions
50+ quarts corn
1 pint spinach
1 pint nettles
1 gallon carrots
3 pints asparagus soup
2 gallons cauliflower soup
1-1/2 gallons corn chowder
1-1/4 gallons broccoli soup
3 pints currants
3 quarts tomatoes
1 cup ground garlic
Various herbs
4 pumpkins
10 pounds onions
40 bulbs garlic
6 rutabagas
There. Whew. Putting it in a list makes it seem like a lot. And there's still lots of veges left to harvest from the garden. But comparing it to what my family will eat over the winter, it doesn't seem like much. Not that I would ever be able to reach anything close to self-reliance. See, I too am wavering between 'too loony' and 'not loony enough.'
My husband is reading this over my shoulder. He votes for loony. Okay, he doesn't think I'm crazy, he just thinks I've spent way too much time doing all this stuff. But he does appreciate it.
So folks out there in blogland, what do you all think? Loony, too loony, or just the right amount of looniness? Cast your votes now!
Jo, this is gorgeous! Definitely NOT loony! I lust after your shelving and storage area - for an OCD girl like myself this pic has me giddy! So much for your "My house is messy" post....I don't believe it, lol! Now you have to tell me your secret on how you handle all those boys, work, and manage this amount of "awesomeness"! :)
Good job! Not looney at all! You are a very wise woman!
Just the right amount of looniness! Great job, just look at all that wonderful food. One of life's more comforting things is a pantry full of food.
I love the looniness. You should come down to Texas and show some of us how to manage the kids house and doing all those foods at the same time. LOL You are so organized!
Thank you for sharing this with us.
If you are loony, we need more like you. Do you realize how very far we've strayed from not being at all self-sufficient? It does take a tremendous amount of effort at certain times of the year, but isn't the satisfaction gained wonderful? (Not even to mention the fact that the food you've put by is soooo much more nutritious for you and your family than anything store bought.)
Your pantry shelves are BEAUTIFUL and you should be very, very proud of all your effort. Kudos to you, hard-working lady.
Hey Josie, Love the pantry...must say I am jealous all the way! Way to go girl...don't listen to those voices in your are not insane one bit! Love ya Gal. Hopey
Thanks all!! My just-right looniness is happily affirmed!
Erin and WillowMoon -- No, really, my house is a HUGE mess. But it is mostly organized. Is that a contradiction? In other words, everything is in its place, only its place is stacked on tables, piled in corners, strewn around the countertop, etc.
Hello Mama Pea -- The shelves were built by my Dad for a Christmas present last year. It didn't take long to fill them up!
Howdy Tammy -- Thanks for the compliments. If only I had a lovely cow like yours for milk, butter, yogurt, cheese, etc., my pantry would be complete!
Mr. H -- Yes, seeing all our food storage is very satisfying. And eating all of it will be very yummy. ;)
Hi Hopey! -- It was great to have you guys out here last week. Thanks again to Caleb for my awesome root cellar!
I don't mind the voices in my head, they keep me company. Sometimes we sing together -- I take melody, they take harmony. :) Love ya!
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