Yesterday we carved our pumpkins. Hubby opened up the tops, the boys scooped out the goop and drew on the faces, and then Hubby carved the faces out. They had a lot of fun, and were very proud of their pumpkin masterpieces.
I saved some seeds from the green pumpkin, simply because I thought it beautiful and the flesh inside was very thick. I bought it from a neighbor, and she grew a number of different varieties so the seeds probably won't breed true, but who knows. It's worth a shot. I'll plant it in an isolated part of the yard for an experiment next year. If I like the results, I'll keep the seeds.
When I was going to university several (many) years ago, one of my classmates who was from Belize once expressed his dislike for Halloween pumpkin carving. He was amazed that our country wasted so much food in this matter.
That got me to thinking. I like to think of myself as somewhat socially conscious. But I also enjoy our cultural traditions. What's truly amazing is that I live in a country where, for most people, this choice is academic. I don't actually need to choose between carving a pumpkin or feeding my family. I'm lucky enough that I can do both. But, obviously, there are lots and lots of people out there that aren't nearly as fortunate as I am.
That got me to thinking. I like to think of myself as somewhat socially conscious. But I also enjoy our cultural traditions. What's truly amazing is that I live in a country where, for most people, this choice is academic. I don't actually need to choose between carving a pumpkin or feeding my family. I'm lucky enough that I can do both. But, obviously, there are lots and lots of people out there that aren't nearly as fortunate as I am.
We received a Heifer International Gift Catalog in the mail a few days ago. We've never received a catalog before. Is the timing a coincidence? Normally I refuse to respond to phone or mail marketing; however, I think I will make an exception in this case. I feel like celebrating Halloween and Thanksgiving a little differently this year, celebrating my fortune of living in a country where I can have my cake (or pumpkin) and eat it too.
Now I have to decide: rabbits, bees or trees?

I'm ok with pumpkin carving, what infuriates me more are those pumpkin tossing contraptions they make! Think how many people could eat from those smashed pumpkins!
we usually only carve one pumpkin and then save the rest for eating. But this year, money is tight, so no pumpkin carving for us this time.
Yes, we here in the United States are indeed very fortunate to be able to allow our kids to "waste" a pumpkin by carving it. I hope everyone with little kids can somehow manage it this year again. As with your boys, it's an activity that the kids can really get involved in and have fond memories of all their lives.
I too, am a sucker for the Heifer Intl catalog... what a great cause! The pumpkins look great, I tried a bluish-green variety but got nothing from them this year, and planted them too late anyways!
The pumkins look great! The news the other day said that there are almost 1 billion people in the world starving. I have been thinking about that a lot lately. We just got a Heifer International catalogue as well, perhaps I need to take a better look at it. Thanks for the reminder.
Hello Jenny -- Good to hear from you. Love your kid's Halloween costumes -- too cute!
Hi Mama Pea! We did manage to save the pumpkin seeds and roast them, so not all of the pumpkins were 'wasted.' It's important to feed the soul as well as the body, too!
Hi Erin -- Sorry to hear about your pumpkin failure. Better luck next garden!
Hello Mr. H -- You're welcome. And thanks for the carving compliments! The faces are starting to look a little wrinkly, but we'll wait til they're good and shriveled before they go into the compost.
Have you tried using a humane trap to catch the cats??
Have you tried using a humane trap to catch the cats??
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