This is what usually greets me as I enter, and leave, the park every day. Scores of pheasants. We've got some of the best habitat in the county for pheasants, deer, turkeys, etc. Of course hunting isn't allowed in the park, and the animals seem to know that. We have one particular buck that shows up like clockwork every November, hanging around inside the park. He's huge, maybe sixteen or eighteen points (the number of points on his antlers). And he's smart -- he knows where he's safe, and he knows what time of year to hide out.
These guys are really the only company I have at the park this time of year. Not a lot of demand for outdoor recreation here in February. Which is a shame, because it's really beautiful, and peaceful. And cold.
I made homemade crackers again Friday night. I only used half the bread dough, and made buns from the other half. They look pretty darn yummy, if I do say so myself.
Not a lot to report, really. Sometime this week I'll start onion seeds in my basement. I was talking to a friend the other day, and she'd heard that for onions to grow well from seed, they need 'haircuts.' In other words, when they get six or eight inches tall you need to snip them down to two or three inches. I'd not heard of this before. Guess I'd better do more research.
Can't wait to see your onion progress! It sounds as hard as getting my darn artichokes seedlings to live beyond a week! The photos are beautiful, what is this park you speak of, is this where you work? Even though I am a fan of occasional wild game and hunting responsibly, 3 cheers for the big-racked buck who hides out during hunting season! I think too many people only hunt for the thrill of the rack, when they should be hunting for the meat, i.e. the younger does for more tender meat and controlling the population. It makes me mad when I used to see guys driving around with deer with big racks on their trucks all week. Since if they were processing the meat, the would have dressed it immediately, you know they are only showing off and the entire carcass will be wasted. When they shoot all the big bucks we lose the ability to meet them by chance in the woods and just enjoy their beauty. Don't get me started, Jo! :)
Beautiful pheasants and buns!
You're lucky to have such a lovely environment to go to work in. Beats the view from a high-rise in a city six times 'til Sunday!
I love pheasants! We have a few that hang around the farm. More grouse though.
That's it! I have to make homemade crackers for a party I'm hosting this weekend. I'm already working on the cheese....
The rolls look yummy!
Hi Erin -- Ha, my 6-year-old pleaded with me to grow artichokes this year (don't ask me why, we never eat them), and I had to explain to him why we couldn't. Yes, this is the park where I work. Here's a linke for more info:
Hey Mama Pea -- It is very cool to work at a state park. I lucked out with my career choice. My office has two windows, both looking out over prairie and lakeshore. Couldn't get any better!
Howdy Jessika! We have very few grouse around here, not sure why. Maybe they just hide better than pheasants do. Good luck with the crackers. I didn't let mine rise this time, but still got a few air bubbles. Not a big deal, though. Next time I'll just forego the yeast entirely and see what happens.
Hi Tammy -- Thanks! We're having them tonight with cheeseburgers. We'll see how the kids like them!
Okay, the park link didn't come out right. Here it is again.
Still didn't work. After "_lak" there should be "e/index.html". Weird.
I was talking to my friend last night about starting our onion seeds this week, too. We are excited! Gardens are our new love..and we want to grow good stuff, so the onion seeds from MN should be a winner!
Better save some of those buns for Bethany and I when we come up to visit!!! Can't wait! Gunna gain some serious weight when we come!!! Yum!
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