Sigh. More snow. Laying heavy on the ground and heavy on my spirit. This has been a very long winter, made longer by an onslaught of illnesses. Colds, ear infections, RSV, strep. I had strep for six weeks, going through various antibiotics until one of them finally did the trick.
My spirit is worn down. Starving. I need something to feed it. Fortunately the rest of my family is unaffected by the winter doldrums. The heavy wet snow is great for snowmen. But not so good for gardening.

The tomato seedlings I have started in my basement offer a small glimmer of hope. At the end of March I started a batch of heirloom seeds that I had saved from previous years. Two weeks later I counted my few sprouts and realized I needed to start a whole lot more if I was going to have enough plants for myself, my friends and a free tomato give-away day at work. So I started a ton more. Two weeks later I am swimming in tomato seedlings. At last count I had over a hundred. Looks like the mystical and mysterious tomato fairy will be visiting my neighbors' doorsteps this spring.
Spring. If it ever arrives.
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