Since Owen's and Benjamin's birthdays are so close together, we usually combine the parties into one day of celebration. This year the big family shindig fell on Owen's day, so on Ben's day we had a smaller festival of cupcake decoration. Much fun and mess was had by all.
This weekend was the dual party, with games such as musical chairs, blindfold treasure hunt, and a goodie bag auction with monopoly money. Then onto several rounds of nerf battles with various foam-ball and foam-dart weaponry. It was all the kids vs. Uncle Bob. Despite being seriously outnumbered, Uncle Bob was victorious, due to a significant tactical advantage: being a whole lot bigger and smarter and sneakier than a eight-, five- and three-year old.
The cake had eight candles for Owen, and three for Benjimouse. Grandpa was the designated ice cream man. After recovering from the sugar coma, we played a few rounds of cards and then called it a night.
This old farmhouse of ours was built in the days of big extended families, with aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins all living under the same roof. It seems to me that the house feels more complete when we have a bunch of friends and family over.
Sorry I wasn't there! I missed the sugar coma!! Would I have won a turnip pize like last time???
No turnips this year, but we had a yam and a coconut!
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