Saturday, March 26, 2011

An aside

Awhile ago a fellow blogger, the lovely Tammy from T. Cupp Miniatures and Family Farm, asked me to write something about our farming exploits.  Here is the result, posted on her site.  I highly recommend Tammy's blogs, and not because of my essay--she has wonderful recipes and her cows are beautiful.  Ah, beautiful beautiful cows.  Someday ...


Erin said...

Jo, you retold your story very well over there! Being raised in in the rural farmland of Minnesota, I keep my personal visions of sustainability for my own family to myself, too - I know all too well exactly what you are talking about LOL! I think this may be the first time I've gotten a real bird's eye view of your garden, it's huge and beautiful! You are doing well, friend! said...

What a beautifully-told story and I agree with Erin -- your garden is huge and beautiful! I'm almost comfortable calling myself a farmer, though I still feel like I'm earning that privilege. But what you wrote about the 'why' and the feeling you get when farming -- I get it and I share your joy. Thanks you!

Mr. H. said...

What a wonderful essay. You are indeed a farmer, and an inspiration to the rest of us. Thank you for sharing your story. The picture of your garden was beautiful.:)