Number Two Son found a scissors the other day. I should have known something was up when he was quiet for longer than fifteen minutes upstairs. He came downstairs, smiling a mile wide, with his hands over his forehead.
My brother and sister-in-law, who were visiting, saw his new 'do and burst out laughing. Half of his bangs were missing. He kept smiling until his Dad and I told him we were going to have to shave the rest of his hair off his head. Then he wasn't so sure.
Half an hour later I found him crying upstairs. He didn't want his head shaved. I said we had to, so it wouldn't look silly when he went to school. I told him his hair would grow out again, eventually. When? he said. By Christmas, I said. He said he didn't want to go to school until Christmas.
We took him to the barber, and he got a haircut. Not shaved, but definitely shorter. He's fine with it, and is okay with going to school on Monday.
He says he will never cut his hair again. We'll see about that.
LOL! Next time he will cut a sibling's hair--ask me how I know!
I think the barber did a really nice job of giving him a really good haircut! And it sounds like he learned a good lesson from all of this . . . maybe? (You sure do have cute kids, hair or no hair.)
He is adorable!
Hi Liz! So, how do you know?? There's a good story waiting to be told!
Hello Mama Pea -- Yeah, it ended up looking fairly decent. We tried to go with a spikey top, but Graham smoothed it flat again as soon as we got in the car. I too hope he's learned a lesson, though I think by the time his hair is long again, he'll have forgotten it. :)
Hey Tammy -- Thanks! Although I must admit 'adorable' wasn't the adjective that popped into my mind when I first saw him coming down the stairs sans hair!
Hahahahaha!!! I love that Bob did this as a kid too! He probably told Graham to do it in the first place!!! Doesn't it seem awfully coincidental that Bob and Linda were visiting at the time?!!! Graham is just another little Bobby!!! Poor Mom, huh?! I wonder if Mom and Dad laughed at Bob's cut?!
Hmm... It does seem awfully coincidental, doesn't it? Hmm...
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