Two nights ago I had the opportunity to see a screening of the movie Fresh. The Land Stewardship Project of Minnesota sponsored the showing. We were treated to locally made apple cider (just pressed that afternoon from Big Stone Apple Ranch) and locally grown popcorn. If you think there are too many 'locally grown's in that last sentence, I say to you -- there can never be too many 'locally grown's in any sentence about food!
Okay, me watching 'Fresh' is like the Pope watching a movie about how great Catholicism is. Preaching to the choir, as they say. But I still enjoyed it tremendously. I'm not great at putting thoughts into words, and when people ask me why local food is important, I usually blabber a lot about 'sustainability' and 'carbon footprint' and 'industrial agriculture.' Those terms may mean things to some people, but not to everybody.
But you can't watch this movie and not understand. This movie shows you why our food system is so screwed up right now. It doesn't go into the gritty grisly details like Food Inc. does (another good movie that I've yet to see). It is more hopeful, and more motivational. It will leave you feeling empowered to try to do something, to go out and find ways to feed yourself and your family in a more healthy (for you, for the environment, and for society) way.
I am looking forward to seeing both of those films. It seems like it takes foever for us to find an avenue leading to some of these films but with a little patience they always come our way sooner or later. We just watched "King Corn" and are looking forward to seeing "Fresh" and "Food Inc.."
I loved King Corn! It had just enough humor to take the edge off of just how evil much of the corn industry is these days.
These are on my list of "must watch" films, I hope they are shown in my area, otherwise I will have to keep an eye on DVD's and hope that they are released someday!
The "problem" with these films is that most often 99% of the audience watching is made up of "choir memebers!"
But I shouldn't be so negative . . . if any of them change just one person's view point, we're making progress, right? And how are we gonna educate if educational materials aren't out there.
But sometimes I just wish we could round up the masses, chain them to their seats and expose them to this type of information.
(Can you tell I'm a little short on patience and benevolence this morning?)
Hi Erin! Yeah, I don't know when I'll get to watch Food Inc either. I missed it in the theater here (our local theater owner is another local food junkie) when it came out.
I heartily agree with you, Mama Pea. I wish I could get the local school board, principal and cafeteria staff chained in place to watch these movies. They really really need to see it.
But, I hope to order a copy when it becomes available (I think it's only $10). Then when my extended family, who generally thinks I'm a nutcase for caring so much about food, comes for a weekend visit I will pop it in the DVD player and hit play. They won't have any choice but to watch it!
Really? This is you guys' idea of good film??? Did you even watch the most recent Harry Potter?!!! Now THAT'S theater!!! Gotta love Dumbledore!
Guess what you're watching next Easter, Karen!!
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