Monday, December 13, 2010

His name is Boxy

Graham has a new pet.  It is a boxelder bug.  He caught it a few days ago and asked for a jar to keep it in.  Sure, why not?  Hubby looked on the internet for what boxelder bugs eat, surprise--boxelder trees.  Duh.  I keep forgetting to grab some boxelder seeds when I go to work.  Right now he has a moist cotton ball, and from what we read that is all he really needs.  Or she.  Boxette?


Bob said...

He's like the Mona Lisa. His eyes follow you everywhere. I feel mildly uncomfortable, like he's burrowing into my soul. GET OUT evil 6 year old, get out of my head!!!!

Jo said...

Yeah, those eyes are pretty intense! And he's seven, by the way. But I can understand how you'd forget that, since you yourself are sooooo old, your memory is starting to go.

Jo said...

Bob is my older (much older) brother, by the way. I don't go around insulting random people like that, unless they are related. Usually. Although even if he wasn't my brother, I'd probably still insult him. ;) Merry Christmas big bro!

Bob said...

Love you too sweetie!

Karen said...

Hey! I want in on the insults! I qualify as I am a way older sister of Jo's, right? Yeah, the eyes are intense! He always has the same smile no matter when you snap him!!!